You Can Make the First Day of School Easier for Your Child

The first day of school is a major change for young children and their parents, especially if the child has never spent time in a preschool or childcare setting. It can be extremely stressful for everyone involved, but you can help your child adjust more easily to a more structured learning environment.

Set a Bedtime and Stick to It

Kids who get the correct amount of rest/sleep do better emotionally, socially, and academically in school. A good night’s sleep is a must for success at preschool and throughout their academic career.

Create a Relaxed Morning Routine

Start your family’s day off right with a relaxed, calm, unrushed morning routine. Although this may mean that everyone wakes up a bit earlier than usual on school days, it affords parents and children the opportunity to enjoy a healthy breakfast and time to get ready for the day at a more casual pace. By slowing down in the morning routine, everyone can start the day off in a better mood.

Control Your Anxiety

Many parents are just as anxious about the start of the preschool as their child. Unfortunately, this anxiety and stress can cause your child to feel anxious and stressed about starting school. Children pick up on the emotions around them and will likely be more anxious because you are. I know it’s hard, but you need to do your best to control your own feelings until after you have left your child at preschool.

Use the Car Ride to Reinforce that Preschool is Fun

The car ride to school is the perfect time to talk or sing with your preschooler - you'd be amazed at how much this will help your child during the day and throughout the preschool year!

Make Sure Their Clothing is Play-Ready

Your preschooler will spend much of their time playing, as this is how young children learn best. You can help them get the most out of their time in preschool by making sure to dress them appropriately.

  1. Dress your child in clothing that is easy for them to use without assistance. Not only will this build their confidence, but it will also help them learn self-reliance.
  2. If your child dislikes having their clothes get dirty, sending them a change of clothes can help decrease their anxiety.
  3. Make sure to dress your child appropriately for the weather.
  4. Your child will spend time outdoors on a normal day of preschool, so make sure to dress your child in clothing that is easy to move, run, and play in. 
  5. Shoes should be comfortable and sturdy so that their little feet don't get hurt if stepped on!
  6. Choose to clothe your child in items you do not mind getting dirty


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