Is It Possible To Teach Toddlers to be Patient?

As a parent, I remember exactly how patient my daughter was as a toddler. Long story short - she had exactly zero patience. Too many shopping trips ended with me carting a screaming, struggling octopus of a child surfboard style under one arm while I desperately try to make it to the car with as few witnesses as possible. Typically, these events occurred as a result of making her wait for something she wanted. For example, I had told her she needed to wait until after dinner to eat a cookie. Her response...

Yes, the world was ending because I told her to eat the tater tots that she had requested with her dinner before she could have a cookie. She was screaming in a fit WHILE she ate the tater tots. She would stop just long enough to chew her food and swallow before renewing her angry howling.

Luckily we were at home during this particular tantrum occurred. My point, though, is that I wish I had come across this video when my child was much younger.

I am happy to report that my daughter is much more patient as a 9-year-old than she was at two, but if you are struggling like I was to tame your impatient toddler and help them learn how to calmly wait for what they want, check out the video below.


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