I seriously underestimated how much $80 in groceries weighs...

Took a walk to get some groceries from the store with my 9-year-old daughter.
The store is 1 mile away from my house.
We brought one backpack. This is important.

The walk started out pleasant. Not too hot, there was even a nice breeze.
Got to the store and did our shopping... just $80 for groceries for the week.

As it turns out, I severely underestimated how much I could get with 80 bucks (even though I am excellent at finding discounts and coupons l, so I should have known 1 backpack wouldn’t work)

At the register, I quickly discovered that my puny backpack was not up to the task. So I bought a cloth bag to try to consolidate the groceries. Managed to leave the store with me carrying three heavy bags and The 9-year-old happily carrying the donuts that were on sale.

For some reason, the temperature increased by several hundred degrees while we were shopping and that light breeze now felt like the air that comes out when you open an oven.

We began our trek back, The 9-year-old chattering about how she was going to eat two donuts when we got home.

We got to the street that would take us home. Somehow, this distance was no longer a mile. It was 15 miles (my step counter saying it was still just one mile is a liar!) and we were now walking on the sun.

At this point, My darling daughter decided that she needed to cheer me on and encourage me to keep me going. So every step, every few feet of forward movement, I heard “you can do it, mommy! Just one more step! Come on mommy, we are almost home!”

This continued for 100 miles. Once we got home, she clapped and cheered about how strong I am before darting up the stairs to eat her donuts...

I collapsed on the couch. I don't think my legs will obey me again today. 


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